NAMEPA Conference

The NAMEPA Conference (North American Marine Environment Protection Association) on the Hornblower Infinity docked at Pier 40, October 23, 2019 was about reducing the carbon foot on vessels. Many ideas were said and were interesting such as the idea by James Rhodes saying to make ship rely on wind propulsion. Students of not only harbor school was there but also from Kingspoint and SUNY to show that we care for the environment and we want to do something about it. Also the design of an engine that reduces the chemicals put into our atmosphere. The Conference was a great way to talk to people about our school, Vessel Operations so they always have harbor school in their mind or possibly offer jobs to students knowing where they come from and background experiences. One of the few people I talked to was Brain Bailey, director of Safety and environmental stewardship. The American Waterways Operators owns thousands of Tugboats and barges to tansports agricultural products, petroleum, coal, chemicals, coal, stone, sand. During the conference Brain was offering jobs on the tug boats as deckhands which that ship supplies during the summer. Fairfield Chemical Carriers inc owns 30 chemical stainless steel chemical tankers that ship supplies to 450 different ports worldwide. Also those ships carry over 600 goods on those tankers. The person I talked to was Stacey Miller, Senior Executive Vice President of Operations and Fleet Development. He was very interested in Vessel Ops and what we offer to the billion oyster project. Cargill is an American shipping company that ships Agricultural services, crop and livestock, food, health and pharmaceutical, industrial and financial risk management, raw materials.

~Jospeh Ortiz

Vessel Ops